Lukas Nursery
Lukas Nursery is a great place in Oviedo, Florida to photograph butterflies, flowers, tiny birds, lizards, and lots more. It’s only about a 20 minute drive from downtown Orlando, Florida.

They have a butterfly encounter and also sell plants and gardening supplies.   A one day pass to visit the butterfly encounter is only $8. You can even purchase a year butterfly encounter pass and visit as much as you would like for a year.   The pass is really inexpensive compared to lots of other tourist attractions.

You can find great textures to photographing by zooming in close on some of their pots. They have a huge selection filling a whole building and overflowing outside with rows and rows of decorative pots.

They have tons of yard ornaments and sculptures hidden throughout their entire area. For several years, I taught a macro photography class there, but now I just schedule private photography and Photoshop lessons.  During the class we would have a scavenger hunt to see how many sculptures and objects hidden throughout the nursery we can find and photograph. A scavenger hunt would also be a great idea for people visiting with kids.

Of course I would find the cat sculpture to photograph since I love cats. I love that I can visit Lukas Nursery monthly and find different flowers in bloom. You can check out their web-site at

If you love Florida and pets check out my Florida State Paw Print t-shirts, mugs, and dog bandanas.