Millie! A Love Story
I’m thankful that one of my photos was chosen to be the cover of a new book by Louis and Roseanne Lavalle. In this book they express their gratitude for the love and companionship of their beautiful Yorkshire Terrier, Millie.
Millie! A Love Story
This book is a story about a loving and caring furr family and I had the great honor of taking their family portrait for the back cover of the book too. The book is a chronicle of Millie’s more than fifteen years with her family. It relates first hand how she brought so much love to her mom and dad’s life.

You can order the book through Amazon.
It was so cool to meet and photograph the dog that inspired this book. We had a super fun photo shoot and Millie’s favorite part was when I brought out my ducky tub which reminded Millie of her first toy duckie.

Thanks so much Louis and Roseanne for letting me experience Millie’s love.