Christmas Card Templates to Make You Smile
Christmas is right around the corner, and that means it’s time to start thinking about Christmas cards. Your Christmas card is one of the most treasured holiday keepsakes you’ll receive in your mailbox each year, so you want to make sure you get it right! And with all the different options out there, it can seem like there are too many choices when it comes to picking out your holiday cards.

Rather than spending hours trying to compose just-the-right picture, rely on expert help instead. A Style Photography has a wide variety of templates that will save you loads of time while looking completely professional. This holiday season, surprise your family and friends with a personalized Christmas card. The following templates offer unique options for an unforgettable holiday greeting.
There are some incredible photo event opportunities with your pet during holiday season. Or book a private photo session with an experienced photographer in your area. I will make sure you get tons of photos with different backdrops, poses and seasonal outfits—all while making sure each shot is perfectly posed for peak cuteness.
The last day guaranteed for USPS shipping is December 15. It might feel like there’s no pressure on that final week if we mail our cards before then—but we all know how the crowded U.S. Postal Service works; delays and lost packages are not unheard of in holiday season. But when we send them ahead of time, we don’t have to worry about delayed shipments or late post offices spoiling our plans with extended families who might have been looking forward to seeing photos from us in their mailbox.
If you’re doing a photo holiday card, don’t forget to buy your Christmas stamps early.
Check out my new holiday card templates.