Cats Valentine’s Day Wish List
Cats Valentine’s Day Wish List
Here’s a few of my cat’s favorite things.
1. Cat Treats – My cats can’t get enough.

2. Pet Portraits – My cats love to model especially Dragon and Winter since they love getting paid in treats. If you would like Valentine’s Day pet portraits of you cat(s) or dog(s) email to schedule a private session in your home or local park or check out my upcoming pet photo days.

3. Cat Toys – My cats love natural toys made with Silvervine and cat nip.

4. Cat Wine – My cats love to drink and relax after a long day of modeling. You’re not drinking alone if your drinking with a furfriend.

5. Cuddle Fish – Jumbo cat toys purrfect for cuddling.

6. Kit-tea– Relaxing Time with catnip and Valerian root.

What are a few of your cat’s favorite things? Please comment below. My cats love to try new products.
Can’t forget our furry friends on Valentine’s Day! My kitty loves the Wildlife CBD treats.