Blog for Photographers – Ice
Blog for Photographers – Ice
Local Florida – Ice
Ice at Gaylord Palms is a great place to photograph Christmas in the cold.

These photos are from last year and the theme was The Night Before Christmas.
I look forward to going back this year and have heard the the theme is Charlie Brown.

Photo Project Idea – Photograph Christmas Cookies

Macro Photography Class- Holiday Special Edition
Want to capture the tiny details that make Christmas special? Further your technical skill set and knowledge while being inspired photographing the shapes and texture of small holiday objects such as candy canes, ornaments, nativity scenes and more. You will learn about macro lenses, extension tubes, and other accessories. Experiment with several lighting sources such as LED, constant lights & flashes. A short lecture will be followed by plenty of time for shooting and playing, so bring your DSLR camera. There will be Holiday cookies to photograph and then eat. Prerequisites: “Photo 2” class or have equivalent experience.
6-8:30pm at Harmon Photo

Photoshop Tip:
How to create a dotted line.
1) Select the brush tool and choose your size
2) In the brush menu change the spacing to 150%
(if you don’t see the brush menu, select the brush menu from the window menu at the top of Photoshop)
3) To create a straight dotted line click on the screen where you would like the line to begin
and then shift click where you would like the line to end.
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